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What We Do

Business and Process Alignment

Business these days is fluid. New opportunities can present themselves, organizations can reorganize, and internal strategies can change. While processes deliver predictable results, sometimes the processes a business uses need to be realigned to the business’ objectives to predictably deliver the right results. IntegraShare can help you by working with stakeholders at all levels in your business to understand requirements. Based on this business-first approach, we can recommend changes, tweaks, and system solutions that keep you on track. We can diagram your processes, analyze the data they use, and help you evolve your technology systems to keep things working efficiently.

We can even help you put in place processes to control your processes! Many organizations benefit from change management processes that help the organization evolve as requirements change, preventing many different kinds of change-related processes arising. 

Process Design Workshops

Sometimes the starting point for a great process is just getting folks looking at the problems the same way. We can facilitate discussions between your internal teams to explore all the issues all stakeholders have an interest in, then define the common processes that work for everybody, and that are supportable and sustainable. We can document these discussions and outcomes so later on everyone understands why things are the way they are. It’s often said that people are an organization’s most valuable asset. We can help your organization maximize the value of its internal teams by developing team-led and designed processes that everybody agrees with.

Process Optimization

Processes are great for delivering required results, but it is also important that the processes work efficiently. Maybe your 32-step process doesn’t need to be that complex? Achieving operational efficiencies through well designed processes that meet all stakeholders’ needs is another thing we do. We can study your required outcomes and make recommendations on how you can get from ‘A’ to ‘B’ without a sight-seeing tour of ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’!

Time is money. Let’s optimize the process to save some of each!

Process Integration

Well run businesses usually have a number of different processes in place. Usually, these processes have cross-over points where they rely on one another. Making related processes play together nicely helps the organization a whole work more efficiently. Maybe when that maintenance process determines you needed to use some parts from inventory, the parts replenishment process needed to kick off? Maybe when your new job approval process empowered you to hire a new employee, you needed to initiate other processes to get them office furniture and a new PC?  When you think about it, many processes need to work together to ensure your organizations works well. IntegraShare can help you identify these dependencies and ensure all your processes run smoothly.

Systems Design

Many processes can be support by information management tools. Often you’ll hear the phrase ‘workflow’ being used when people are discussing the capability of a technology-based system to support a process. Depending on the system, a supported workflow may be completely inflexible, or completely configurable. No two systems are the same.

Logically understanding the processes you want the systems to support is the first step to automating that process. Planning systems architecture to support your processes will ensure that your technology environment can actually support the required processes, and that’s where we can help. With a background in many different types of information technology, we can help you understand the options, and risks, of different technologies available to you. Based on objective opinions, you can then ensure the technology choices that you make are best for you and your business.

Compliance Analysis

Many organizations need to comply with set of regulations. Often these regulations are determined by the industry in which the organization operates. These regulations often require a business to put in place processes which can be audited by Regulators. Becoming compliant can be a complex task that requires figuring out what the design of processes should be, and how these should work within the preexisting business environment an organization has established. Importantly, processes adopted for compliance purposes need to be both easily auditable, and flexible to accommodate new requirements that changes to the regulations may impose. IntegraShare can help organizations understand how to use processes to comply with regulatory requirements, and best practices for establishing these processes within the company’s systems.